UMA Home page for Christophe Hazard

Resp. bibliothèque de l'UMA
Chargé de Recherche
Resp. bibliothèque de l'UMA
Chargé de Recherche
Research Habilitation 2001
Ph.D. 1991
Research activities (sorry, only french text)
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Scattering in a partially open waveguide: the forward problem
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IMA Journal of Applied Maths, feb, 2023 []
- Spectral theory for Maxwell's equations at the interface of a metamaterial. Part II: Limiting absorption, limiting amplitude principles and interface resonance
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Communication in Partial Differential Equations, vol. 47 (6), pp. 1217-1295, 2022 - The Complex-Scaled Half-Space Matching Method
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SIAM Mathematical Analysis, vol. 54, pp. 512-557, jan, 2022
- Complex-scaling method for the complex plasmonic resonances of planar subwavelength particles with corners
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Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 440, pp. 110433, 2021
- On well-posedness of scattering problems in a Kirchhoff-Love infinite plate
SIAM Journal of Applied Maths, vol. 80-3, pp. 1546-1566, jun, 2020 []
- Spectral analysis of polygonal cavities containing a negative-index material
Annales Henri Lebesgue, vol. 3, pp. 1161-1193, nov, 2020 []
- Spectral theory for Maxwell's equations at the interface of a metamaterial. Part I: Generalized Fourier transform.
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Commun. Part. Diff. Eq., vol. 42 (11), pp. 1707-1748, 2017
- A Rellich type theorem for the Helmholtz equation in a conical domain
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C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, vol. 354, pp. 27-32, 2016
- Numerical modeling of three-dimensional open elastic waveguides combining semi-analytical finite element and perfectly matched layer methods
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Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 344, pp. 158-178, 2015 - On the absence of trapped modes in locally perturbed open waveguides
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 80, pp. 1049-1062, 2015
- Finite element computation of trapped and leaky elastic waves in open stratified waveguides
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Wave Motion, vol. 51, pp. 1093-1107, 2014 []
- Space-time focusing of acoustic waves on unknown scatterers
Wave Motion, vol. 51, pp. 1254-1272, 2014
- Multiple scattering of acoustic waves by small sound-soft obstacles in two dimensions: mathematical justification of the Foldy--Lax model
Wave Motion, vol. 50, pp. 18-28, 2013 []
- Mathematical analysis of the junction of two acoustic open waveguides
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SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 71, pp. 2048-2071, 2011 []
- Time reversal and scattering theory for time-dependent acoustic waves in a homogeneous medium
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 76, pp. 938-955, 2011
- Diffraction by a defect in an open waveguide : a mathematical analysis based on a modal radiation condition.
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SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 70 (3), pp. 677-693, 2009
- An improved multimodal approach for non uniform acoustic waveguides
IMA Journal of Applied Math., vol. 73 (4), pp. 668--690, 2008
- Generalized eigenfunction expansions for conservative scattering problems with an application to water waves
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburg,, vol. 137 (5), pp. 995--1035, oct, 2007 - Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Time Reversal Mirrors
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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 67(3), pp. 777-791, 2007 - Spectral theory for an elastic thin plate floating on water of finite depth
SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 68(3), pp. 629-647, dec, 2007 - The Singularity Expansion Method applied to the transient motions of a floating elastic plate
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 41 (5), pp. 925--943, 2007
- Acoustic focusing using time reversal in the frequency domain
SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 64 (3), pp. 1057-1076, 2004
- A singular field method for Maxwell's equations: numerical aspects for 2D magnetostatics
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., vol. 40 (3), pp. 1021-1040, 2002 - Numerical simulation of corner singularities: a paradox in Maxwell-like problems
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, vol. 330(1), pp. 57-68, 2002
- Perturbation of low-frequency underwater acoustics by gravity waves
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Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 411, pp. 305-324, 2000
- A singular field method for the solution of Maxwell's equations
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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 59(6), pp. 2028-2044, 1999
- Existence, uniqueness and analyticity properties for electromagnetic scattering in a two-layered medium
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 21, pp. 433-461, 1998 - Les équations de Maxwell dans un polyèdre : un résultat de densité
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Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics, vol. 326(11), pp. 1305-1310, 1998
- On the solution of time-harmonic scattering problems for Maxwell's equations
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 27, pp. 1597-1630, 1996
- Determination of scattering frequencies for an elastic floating body
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 24, pp. 1458-1514, 1993 []
- Variational formulations for the determination of resonant states in scattering problems
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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, vol. 23, pp. 579-608, 1992
- La méthode des éléments finis : de la théorie à la pratique. Tome 2 : Compléments
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pp. 284, mar 2020
- La Méthode des Eléments Finis. De la Théorie à la Pratique. II. Compléments
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Coll. Les Cours, Les Presses de l'ENSTA, 288 pages, nov 2010
- Surface water waves
Scattering Scattering and Inverse scattering in Pure and Applied Science, pp. 618-636, Eds. Pike&Sabatier, Academic Press, 2002
International conferences with proceedings
- A multimodal method for non-uniform open waveguides
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Physics Procedia, vol. 3(1), pp. 497-503, International Congress on Ultrasonics, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, 2010
- Finite element computation of leaky modes in stratified waveguides
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Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Non Homogeneous Media, Springer, 2009
- Generalized eigenfunction expansions; an application to linear water waves
Sixth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2003 - Global and selective focusing using time reversal mirrors in the frequency domain
Sixth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2003
Conferences without proceedings
- Computation of plasmon resonances localized at corners using frequency-dependent complex scaling
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Waves 2019, Vienna, 2019 - Essential spectrum generated by a negative material described by the Lorentz model
Waves 2019, Vienna, 2019 - Numerical study of the spectrum of cavities containing a negative-index material
Waves 2019, Vienna, 2019 - On well-posedness of scattering problems in a Kirchhoff-Love infinite plate
Waves Conference, Vienna, 25-29/08/2019, aug, 2019
- Spectral analysis of cavities partially filled with a negative-index material
Waves 2017, Minneapolis, 2017
- Absence of trapped modes for a Y-shaped junction of open waveguides
New Trends in Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Waveguides, Porquerolles, France, 2016
- Absence of trapped modes for a class of unbounded propagative media
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Waves 2015, Karlsruhe, Allemagne, 2015 - Limiting amplitude principle for a two-layered medium composed of a dielectric material and a metamaterial
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Waves 2015, Karlsruhe, Allemagne, 2015
- Computation of leaky modes in three-dimensional open elastic waveguide
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Waves 2013, Tunis, jun, 2013 - Selective focusing for time dependent waves
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Workshop: Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics, Oberwolfach, Germany, jan, 2013 - Selective focusing for time-dependent waves
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Workshop: Inverse Problems and Imaging, Institut Henri Poincarré, Paris, France, feb, 2013 - Selective focusing on unknown scatterers
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Waves conference, Tunis, Tunisia, may, 2013 - Space-time focusing for acoustic waves
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Novel Direction in Inverse Scattering, honoring D. Colton, Newark, Delaware, USA, poster (soon), jul, 2013 - Space-time focusing on unknown obstacles
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International conference in applied mathematics, Heraklion, Greece, sep, 2013
- About trapped modes in open waveguides
MATHmONDES 2012, Reading, jul, 2012 - Can trapped mode occur in open waveguides?
Wave propagation in complex media and applications, Heraklion, Greece, 2012 []
- On the use of a SAFE-PML technique for modeling two-dimensional open elastic waveguides
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Acoustics 2012, Nantes, 2012 []
- Space-time focusing on unknown scatterers
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Workshop : Wave propagation in complex media and applications, Heraklion, Greece, poster, may, 2012 - Using time reversal for space-time focusing of acoustic waves
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Workshop: journées de Metz 2012: Recent Advances in Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wave Propagation, Metz, France, mar, 2012
- A uniqueness property for the scattering by a junction of open waveguides
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10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Vancouver, 2011 - Multiple acoustic scattering by small obstacles in two dimensions
10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Vancouver, jul, 2011 []
- Using time reversal for space--time focusing of acoustic waves
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5ème Colloque sur les Tendances des Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc (TAMTAM), Sousse, Tunisie, apr, 2011 []
- A modal radiation condition for scattering in open waveguides
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9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (WAVES'09), Pau, jun, 2009 - A multimodal method for non-uniform open waveguides
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International Congress on Ultrasonics, Santiago, Chile, jan, 2009 - Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators for an acoustic waveguide with a uniform flow and an impedance boundary condition
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9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (WAVES'09), Pau, jun, 2009 - Leaky modes in an open waveguide
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9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (WAVES'09), Pau, jun, 2009
- Finite element computation of leaky modes in stratified waveguides
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5èmes journées du GDR "Etude de la propagation ultrasonore en vue du contrôle non destructif", Anglet, june, 2008
- Diffraction par un défaut dans un guide ouvert
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TAMTAM (Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc), Alger, 2007 - Numerical study of time reversal in a 2D waveguide
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8th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (WAVES'07), Reading, jul, 2007
- An enhanced multimodal method for non uniform waveguides
Mathmondes 2 (journées franco-britaniques), jun, 2006 - Computing resonances for large time simulation of scattering phenomena
MAFELAP 2006, jun, 2006
- Décomposition en modes résonnants pour le problème de tenue à la mer, application numérique
10èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Poitiers, 2005 - Décomposition en modes résonnants pour le problème de tenue à la mer, application numérique
10èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Poitiers, 2005 - Mathematical and numerical study of a time reversal mirror
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Seventh International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Providence, USA, 2005 - Modélisation mathématique d'un miroir à retournement temporel
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TAMTAM'05 (Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques - Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc), Tunis, 2005 - Retournement temporel dans un guide d'ondes, étude théorique et numérique
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Premier Congrès International de Conception et Modélisation des Systèmes Mécaniques, Hammamet, Tunisie, 2005 - The Singularity Expansion Method applied to a transient fluid-structure interaction problem
Seventh International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Providence, USA, 2005
- Multimodal Methods and some Applications
Journée franco-anglaise MathMondes, Paris, France, 2004
- Décomposition en modes résonnants pour le problème de tenue à la mer
9èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Poitiers, 2003
- Multimodal Approach and Optimum Design in Non Uniform Waveguides
JEE'02 Symposium, Toulouse, France, 2002 - Spectral theory for a floating massless thin plate on water of arbitrary depth
10th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2002
- Selective focusing for time-dependent waves
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Poems Seminar, Palaiseau, France, jan, 2013
Research report
- A distribution framework for the generalized Fourier transform associated with a Sturm-Liouville operator
Rapport de Recherche INRIA N° 6885, mar, 2009
Lecture note
- Méthodes Numériques pour les Equations aux Dérivées Partielles
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Cours ENSTA, 1997