UMA Home page for Alberto Ohashi
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
To appear
- Rough paths and symmetric-Stratonovich integrals driven by singular covariance Gaussian processes.
To appear: Bernoulli, to appear []
- On SDEs for Bessel Processes in low dimension and path-dependent extensions
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ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Sta., vol. 20, pp. 1111-1138, 2023 []
- On some path-dependent SDEs involving distributional drifts
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Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications, vol. 9 (1), pp. 65-87, jan, 2022 []
- Rough paths and regularization
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Journal of Stochastic Analysis (JOSA)., vol. 2 (4), pp. 1-21, dec, 2021 []
- Smoothness of densities for path-dependent SDEs under Hörmander’s condition
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Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 281, pp. 109-225, Elsevier, nov, 2021
- Discrete-type approximations for non-Markovian optimal stopping problems: Part II
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Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, vol. 22, pp. 1221-1255, nov, 2020 []
- Discrete-type approximations for non-Markovian optimal stopping problems: Part I
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Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 56, pp. 981-1005, apr, 2019 []