A Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Qr spectral elements for aeroacoustics

Type de publication :
Conférence internationale avec actes
Conférence :
7th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (WAVES'05), Brow University(USA), 2005
Mots clés :
Discontinuous Galerkin Method, high order, linearized Euler equations
Résumé :
In this paper, we present a Discontinuous Galerkin Method ( DGM ) with mass lumping and Qr aproximation for linearized Euler's equations. Mixed formulation provides low-storage for stiffness and jump matrices and the use of quadrangular meshes provides a quick algorithm.
Résumé (traduction) :
Ce document presente une methode de Galerkin discontinue avec condensation de masse de type Qr adaptee aux equations d'Euler linearisees. Une formulation mixte permet de reduire significativement le stockage des matrices de rigidite et de saut et l'utilisation de maillages quadrangulaires permet un d'avoir un algorithme rapide.
BibTeX :
    author={Nicolas Castel and Gary Cohen },
    title={A Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Qr spectral elements for 
           aeroacoustics },
    organization={7th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical 
           Aspects of Waves (WAVES'05), Brow University(USA), 2005 },
    year={2005 },