Value function and optimal trajectories for a maximum running cost control problem with state constraints. Application to an abort landing problem.
Publication type:
Paper in peer-reviewed journals
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (ESAIM: M2AN), vol. 52(1), pp. 305--335
Keywords :
Hamilton-Jacobi approach; state constraints; maximum running cost; trajectory reconstruction; air- craft landing in windshear;
The aim of this article is to study the Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) approach for state-constrained control problems with maximum cost. In particular, we are interested in the characterization of the value functions of such problems and the analysis of the associated optimal trajectories, without assuming any controllability assumption. The rigorous theoretical results lead to several trajectory reconstruction procedures for which convergence results are also investigated. An application to a five-state aircraft abort landing problem is then considered, for which several numerical simulations are performed to analyse the relevance of the theoretical approach.
@article{Ass-Bok-Des-Zid-2018, author={Mohamed Assellaou and Olivier Bokanowski and Anna Désilles and Hasnaa Zidani }, title={Value function and optimal trajectories for a maximum running cost control problem with state constraints. Application to an abort landing problem. }, doi={10.1051/m2an/2017064 }, journal={ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (ESAIM: M2AN) }, year={2018 }, volume={52(1) }, pages={305--335}, }