Optimal control of diesel-electric hybrid powertrain (CDD)
Type de proposition :
Date limite :
septembre 2012
Contact :
Équipe responsable :
Détail :
The project aims at developing mathematical tools to model and simulate scenarios allowing to optimize the performances of diesel-electric hybrid powertrains.
In a hybrid vehicle the driving power can be provided by the internal combustion engine or by the motor generator or by a combination of the two. This versatility has to be combined with choices for various degrees of freedom, such as the gear or the vehicle speed, under given on-road and traffic conditions. Furthermore, a new final condition comes in play: the electric stor-age device, namely the battery, which has a limited capacity and needs to remain sufficiently charged.
Because of the complexity of the driving mechanism and therefore of its coordination, the system cannot be entirely controlled by the driver in a manual form. At least part of the control effort should be overtaken by automatic algorithms, running on a control unit, mounted in the vehicle. Since the performance of a diesel electric hybrid powertrain heavily relies on the overall management of energy flows and on the control of the powertrain components, the mathematical areas of Optimal Control and Optimization appear as indispensable tools, not just for design and performance evaluation, but also to derive real time strategies, to be implemented in the control units.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the capabilities and performance of new optimization techniques that can be applied to the energy management of hybrid powertrains.
BOSCH GmbH (Stuttgart), in collaboration with IMPA (Instituto Nacional de MAtematica Pura e Applicada, Rio de Janeiro) and Commands Team (ENSTA Paris, INRIA-Saclay)
Host institution
BOSCH GmbH (Stuttgart), in collaboration with IMPA (Instituto Nacional de MAtematica Pura e Applicada, Rio de Janeiro) and Commands Team (ENSTA Paris, INRIA-Saclay)
Master's internship (September-March 2012):
A good background in applied mathematics is required, as well as experience in programming. Knowledge in optimal control theory is welcome.
Local funding is available (IMPA).
Hasnaa Zidani
, and
Claudia Sagastizábal
Post doc position (from September 2012):
A 9 months postdoctoral research position is available. Candidates should have a PhD in applied mathematics, and have a good knowledge of optimal control theory and/or stochastic optimization. Please apply by email, at one of the contact adresses below, with a full curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and the names and addresses of at least two referees.
Approximately 2500 Euro net per month.
Hasnaa Zidani
, and
Claudia Sagastizábal