Numerical schemes for first order Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations.
Application to a problem of atmospheric re-entry
Recent works in the team, on numerical methods in dimension 1, prove that it is possible to build a non-monotone scheme wich gives a good approximation of the discontinuous value function. We would like to generalize this result for dimension d>1.
A second part of this work will concern the reconstruction of the optimal trajectories, from the computed value function.
The whole of the study is motivated by an industrial application. More
precisely, we aim at using the HJB approach to solve a
time optimal control problem of atmospheric re-entry of a space
shuttle, under constraints of heat flux and load factor.
The numerical methods developed and studied (during this post doc) will
be tested on a real model provided by the CNES (French Space Agency).
Applications including a full curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and the names and addresses of at least two referees should be sent to
Contacts :
Hasnaa Zidani
Frédéric Bonnans
Required skills: Capacities in scientific computation