Gestion Energétique d'un Véhicule Electrique
Type de proposition :
Sujets de master de recherche
Date limite :
30 septembre 2009
Contact :
Responsabilité :
Détail :
The project aims at developing mathematical tools to model and simulate scenarios allowing to improve the performances of electric car
engines. Let us recall that the hard point of the electric technology lies on the restricted kilometric autonomy related to a weak density energy of the battery and a weak speed of its refill in energy (8 hours for the slow load). The goal of this project consists in:
Commands Team (INRIA-Saclay, CMAP, ENSTA) in collaboration with Renault (Technocentre Guillancourt).
Applied Mathematics Department (UMA) at ENSTA-Paris and Center of Applied Mathematics (CMAP) at Ecole Polytechnique offer two excellent environments in fundamental and applied research.
- Maximizing the absolute autonomy (hybrid technology)
- Minimizing the autonomy variability: Optimal management of the energy by taking into account the available informations of navigation
- Theoretical and numerical study of related stochastic optimization problems
- Validation on the model associated to the problem of hybrid car engine
Commands Team (INRIA-Saclay, CMAP, ENSTA) in collaboration with Renault (Technocentre Guillancourt).
Applied Mathematics Department (UMA) at ENSTA-Paris and Center of Applied Mathematics (CMAP) at Ecole Polytechnique offer two excellent environments in fundamental and applied research.
Master's internship (March-August 2009) & PhD (September 2009 - August 2012):
A good background in applied mathematics is required, as well as experience in programming. Knowledge in optimal control theory is welcome.
Local funding is available (Renault & Inria).
Hasnaa Zidani
Frédéric Bonnans
, and
Kamal Aouchich
Post doc position (from January 2009):
A one year postdoctoral research position is available, extendable to a period of two years. Candidates should have a PhD in applied mathematics, and have a good knowledge of optimal control theory and/or stochastic optimization. Please apply by email, at one of the contact adresses below, with a full curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and the names and addresses of at least two referees.
Approximately 1900 Euro net per month. This post-doc is supported by
Renault & Inria-Saclay.
Hasnaa Zidani
, and
Frédéric Bonnans