Theoretical and numerical methods for state-constrained optimal control problems.
Type de proposition :
Date limite :
30 juin 2010
Contact :
Responsabilité :
Mots clés :
Numerical scheme, HJB equation, viscosity solution, Optimal control, atmospheric re-entry problem, state constraints
Détail :
Our team is seeking to recruit one or two postdoctoral research assistants for working on state-constrained optimal control problems. In particular to investigate
some questions related to the following topics:
- Properties of the value function. Theoretical study for optimal trajectories
- Numerical methods for solving Hamilton-Jacobi equations
- Reachability sets / safety problems
The whole of the study is motivated by industrial applications: atmospheric re-entry of a space shuttle, under constraints of heat flux and load factor;
Climbing of multi-stage launcher.
The numerical methods developed and studied will
be tested on real models provided by the CNES (French Space Agency).
Applications including a full curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and the names and addresses of at least two referees should be sent to Contacts : Hasnaa Zidani and/or Olivier Bokanowski
Required skills: Good background on optimal control problems and/or on Hamilton-Jacobi equations.