Parallel computing, scientific computing
Proposition type:
Latest date:
december, 2018
Responsible team:
Calcul parallèle, calcul scientifique
Numerical software for solving nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE) in high dimension.
The OC team has been developing for several years the ROC-HJ code, a generic library of calculations dedicated to the resolution of nonlinear PDEs coming from deterministic and stochastic optimal control theory (HJB). At the same time, since 2017, the team has been developing MISTRAL software dedicated to optimizing spacecraft trajectories (collaboration with Cnes). In this context we are looking for an engineer with strong skills in developing C / C ++ codes for high performance computing. The candidate will be involved in the development and maintenance of two IT projects: ROC-HJ and MISTRAL. The missions entrusted to the candidate will concern the development and the integration of new functionalities or the parallelization of some parts of the code:
How to apply: Applicants are kindly asked to send: 1) a cover letter; 2) a curriculum vitae including publications, presentations, and other relevant activities; 3) names and contact information for at least two referees. Review of applications will begin September 14, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. The application packet should be addressed to and
- • Optimization of input / output management (parallelization of writing large files during calculation, reading of data by direct access to input files)
• Development and integration of exception handling in ROC-HJ and MISTRAL codes
• Design and execution of validation unit test batteries for MISTRAL software
How to apply: Applicants are kindly asked to send: 1) a cover letter; 2) a curriculum vitae including publications, presentations, and other relevant activities; 3) names and contact information for at least two referees. Review of applications will begin September 14, 2018 and continue until the position is filled. The application packet should be addressed to and