Linear inequalities among graph invariants: using GraPHedron to uncover optimal relationships
Type de publication :
Article (revues avec comité de lecture)
Journal :
Computer Networks Journal, vol. 52, pp. 287-298
BibTeX :
@article{Chr-Dew-Doi-Ell-Fas-Gr?-Huy-Lab-M?l-Yam-2008, author={J. Christophe and S. Dewez and J.P. Doignon and Sourour Elloumi and G. Fasbender and Ph. Gr?goire and D. Huygens and M. Labb? and H. M?lot and H. Yaman }, title={Linear inequalities among graph invariants: using GraPHedron to uncover optimal relationships }, journal={Computer Networks Journal }, year={2008 }, volume={52 }, pages={287--298}, }