Dual Particle Output Feedback Control based on Lyapunov drifts for nonlinear systems

Emilien Flayac, Karim DAHIA, Bruno Hérissé and 
Frédéric Jean
december, 2018
Publication type:
International conference with proceedings
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (Miami Beach)
Keywords :
Stochastic processes; Mathematical model; Output feedback; Optimization; State estimation; Random variables; Stability analysis;
This paper presents a dual receding horizon output feedback controller for a general non linear stochastic system with imperfect information. The novelty of this controller is that stabilization is treated, inside the optimization problem, as a negative drift constraint on the control that is taken from the theory of stability of Markov chains. The dual effect is then created by maximizing information over the stabilizing controls which makes the global algorithm easier to tune than our previous algorithm. We use a particle filter for state estimation to handle nonlinearities and multimodality. The performance of this method is demonstrated on the challenging problem of terrain aided navigation.
    author={Emilien Flayac and Karim DAHIA and Bruno Hérissé and 
           Frédéric Jean },
    title={Dual Particle Output Feedback Control based on Lyapunov drifts 
           for nonlinear systems },
    doi={10.1109/CDC.2018.8619640 },
    organization={2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (Miami 
           Beach) },
    year={2018 },