Extraordinary transmission through subwavelength dielectric gratings in the microwave range

Ahmed Akarid, Abdelwaheb Ourir, Agnès Maurel,
Simon Félix and Jean-François Mercier
Type de publication :
Article (revues avec comité de lecture)
Journal :
Optics Letters, vol. 39(13), pp. 3752
BibTeX :
    author={Ahmed Akarid and Abdelwaheb Ourir and Agnès Maurel and Simon 
           Félix and Jean-François Mercier },
    title={Extraordinary transmission through subwavelength dielectric 
           gratings in the microwave range },
    doi={10.1364/OL.39.003752. },
    journal={Optics Letters },
    year={2014 },
    volume={39(13) },