Efficient Computation of Photonic Crystal Waveguide Modes with Dispersive Material

Kersten Schmidt and Roman Kappeler
march, 2010
Publication type:
Paper in peer-reviewed journals
Optics Express, vol. 18 (7), pp. 7307-7322
The optimization of PhC waveguides is a key issue for successfully designing PhC devices. Since this design task is computationally expensive, efficient methods are demanded. The available codes for computing photonic bands are also applied to PhC waveguides. They are reliable but not very efficient, which is even more pronounced for dispersive material. We present a method based on higher order finite elements with curved cells, which allows to solve for the band structure taking directly into account the dispersiveness of the materials. This is accomplished by reformulating the wave equations as a linear eigenproblem in the complex wave-vectors k. For this method, we demonstrate the high efficiency for the computation of guided PhC waveguide modes by a convergence analysis.
    author={Kersten Schmidt and Roman Kappeler },
    title={Efficient Computation of Photonic Crystal Waveguide Modes with 
           Dispersive Material },
    doi={10.1364/oe.18.007307 },
    journal={Optics Express },
    year={2010 },
    volume={18 (7) },