Séminaire Alice Vanel (ETH Zurich)

Type d'évènement :
Nom de l'évènement :
Débute le :
4 juillet 2022
Lieu :
ENSTA Paris - Amphi 2.2.34
Équipe responsable :
Titre :
Séminaire Alice Vanel (ETH Zurich)
Détail :

We study the possible expansion of the electromagnetic field scattered by a strictly convex metallic nanoparticle with dispersive material parameters placed in a homogeneous medium in a low-frequency regime as a sum of modes oscillating at complex frequencies (diverging at infinity), known in the physics literature as the quasi-normal modes expansion. We show that such an expansion is valid in the static regime and that we can approximate the electric field with a finite number of modes. We then use perturbative spectral theory to show the existence, in a certain regime, of plasmonic resonances as poles of the resolvent for Maxwell’s equations with non-zero frequency. We show that, in the time domain, the electric field can be written as a sum of modes oscillating at complex frequencies. We introduce renormalised quantities that do not diverge exponentially at infinity.

We present numerical simulations in two dimensions to corroborate our results. We illustrate the usefulness of our method on the super-localisation of a point-like emitter in a resonant environment.