Séminaire exceptionnel POEMS
Type d'évènement :
Nom de l'évènement :
Séminaire exceptionnel POEMS
Débute le :
12 février 2018
Lieu :
Salle 22.34 à 15h30
Contact :
Équipe responsable :
Titre :
Séminaire exceptionnel POEMS
Annonce :
Konstantina-Stavroula Giannopoulou
Détail :
Konstantina-Stavroula Giannopoulou: "An approximate series solution of the semiclassical Wigner equation"
The Wigner equation is a linear, non-local, kinetic evolution equation,
governing the Wigner function. The Wigner function is defined as the
Fourier transform of the two-point spatial correlation of the wavefunction
in configuration space in classical wave propagation or as the Weyl symbol
of the density operator in quantum mechanics. This function, in spite
of its quantum-mechanical origin, has been proved an extremely powerful
tool for the construction of high-frequency asymptotics and the homogenization of classical wavefields. The basic feature is that the integration of the Wigner function provides mean values of quantum observables or wave amplitude and energy flux of classical wave fields. In this talk, we present a new asymptotic approximation of the solution of the semiclassical Wigner equation by uniformization of WKB approximations of the Schrodinger eigenfunctions.